World Autism Awareness Day!

World Autism Awareness Day!

What a wonderful thing to see! I will take a quick break on this blog from my own story and share general thoughts on this special day that is intended for the world in general. I am hopeful that with awareness will come more understanding and acceptance for children and adults on the autism spectrum. It is natural to have an immediate reaction in our mind when we see a child in a store that is acting in a way that one might think is an unexpected or unacceptable way but I hope that with more awareness that initial reaction in our brain can quickly turn to awareness that we don’t know anything about the child and that there may be circumstances we are not aware of that is causing whatever behavior we are seeing and the urge to judge them in a negative light will disappear. This is what I hope for and what every child deserves. Not only will it help the child, it will help the parent/caregiver not feel the unnecessary judgement and make a difficult situation even harder. Please consider pausing in these moments and consider the possibility that you are seeing a child with special needs. Thank you. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.