Thank you social skills groups everywhere. Part 2

Thank you social skills groups everywhere. Part 2

After yet another move for the family and another new school district, we started first grade with the same struggles as before and no social skills programs yet. It is crazy to think about it it now but my son was in his fourth new school in just 3 years. Kindergarten was split between a private school (not a great fit at all for him) and the local public school. I must say, the support he received in the public school systems was wonderful. I found his emotional support teacher in first grade to be a tremendous source of support for him. She worked on social skills with him in a small group but was limited to a certain amount of time. Given his other support needs, we didn’t want to pull him out of class more often than necessary. I knew a social skills group outside of school was still something that he very much needed. The search continued and as I found more places to look at with assistance from the school social worker, I found the next hurdle was a problem not in finding programs but getting him enrolled in them. More wait lists and more “we don’t have enough participants for that age group”. Finally, in January 2019, we got him into a small group with 2 other boys his age. I will share more about the progress that eventually came in this area soon. Until then, I am wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe holiday weekend. I am also wishing everyone impacted by Hurricane Ida special thoughts and prayers.