Lilypad of Love For Autism Acceptance

Lilypad of Love For Autism Acceptance

Hope for autism acceptance

So, after just over 10 months of typing thoughts and experiences, I thought I would toss out an idea. I’m not famous, or followed, or even really aware of how many people might read this but I’m gonna do it anyway. I started this endeavor in hopes of helping parents/caregivers of children on the autism spectrum find some useful information. However, I can’t shake the idea of wanting to help more. I know from experience that sometimes just getting through a shopping trip without stares of judgement when my child was struggling with the environment we were in was just as helpful as finding a resource to help navigate his needs. I have day dreamed of this for quite some time now and I thought if it helps it would be wonderful. If not, then it was worth taking a chance. Here’s where I’m going with this…when a child has a physical disability it is visible on the outside and complete strangers don’t need to wonder why that child may be moving in a different way. However, when a child has special needs tucked inside of an outwardly normal looking body, then differences are not as easily understood.

So, I offer this lilypad of love for acceptance. I hope it can be a way of telling strangers “please hold your judgement; I have special needs”. I don’t know about anyone else but I found it hard not to feel like everyone was thinking I was a bad parent by the look on their faces as I was holding up the check-out line, my heart racing, trying to calm an overstimulated child and wondering why can’t I find my wallet! If I could have put this lilypad on my diaper bag, backpack, or even on a bracelet on my wrist, then maybe I would not have felt so much anxiety trying to get through that moment as quickly as possible which usually led to even more fumbling. If I thought others were aware of special circumstances with just a glance of this symbol, then maybe I wouldn’t have felt the need to apologize so much for something that was out of my control. My hope would be that if you see this lilypad for love and acceptance on someone’s belongings, then that person will be given space to get through the moment with fewer eyes of disappointment for what might be seen as an unexpected behavior from a child.

If you like the idea and think it could be helpful, then please share. For anyone who thinks it may bring peace of mind, hop on for as long as you need. This lilypad is for you. I would love to take some of the pressure off from those that may be having more difficult days than we can imagine. You just never know what someone is going through and I just feel like we shouldn’t have to know the details to be kind to others. Parenting is hard in general and we all do the best we can. I am thankful for you taking the time to read this and hopeful for a more accepting world no matter our differences.